Save Energy With Lighting Controls

Save Energy With Lighting Controls

Jun 28th 2022 Staff

Here at Billows Lighting and Design Center, we are proud to be your lighting store of choice in Berlin, New Jersey. Our lighting designers offer free consultations, so you can have the best lighting for your indoor and outdoor space. Below, we'll go over some tips on how you can save energy with lighting controls. Stop by our lighting showroom today!

Timers On Your Lighting

If you have a set schedule when you know you'll be away from home or your office is closed, then timers on your lighting are a great way to save on energy costs. This helps to ensure you don't forget to turn lights off and just makes it easier on you overall.

Daylight Sensors

Daylight sensors automatically turn lights on and off according to the amount of daylight it senses. You see this most often in street lights, but using this technology in a home or office setting at your Berlin location is a great way to save money as the seasons change.

Bi-Level Switches

Bi-level switches are most often implemented in business settings. This type of switch allows people to adjust lighting based on their computer use time or to adjust lighting when they are in meetings and the like when lighting is not so critical.

Occupancy Sensors

A very popular and very effective lighting control to save money is occupancy sensors. This type of lighting senses when people are in a room and turns on and off accordingly. These are some of the best types of lighting controls in order to save money, and they work really well in typical office locations, such as bathrooms, conference rooms, and classrooms where people forget to turn the lights off.


We hope you've enjoyed our lighting control tips. To get started with your lighting control solution, contact one of our expert lighting designers, or stop by Billows Lighting and Design Center today!

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